Contact Us

Users of Correlates of War data sets are encouraged to contact us with any problems they observe concerning those data sets or this website. We seek comment on matters including, but not limited to: website issues, (broken links, appearances), suggestions, questions concerning data sets, and anomalies or errors in data sets. Error reports and questions will facilitate revision and refinement of the data sets distributed by COW. We can be reached via email at or

COW Listserv

The COW Listserv is a mailing list for the Correlates of War Project. The list will primarily distribute announcements of COW data set releases, along with other infrequent announcements of interest to the COW community. This is a moderated list, and all replies to the list will come to Scott Bennett, Jeff Carter, and Scott Wolford for approval. To join, please subscribe to the list by sending an email to (no subject or message needed). To unsubscribe, send an email to To submit an item for posting, send it to