The Diplomatic Exchange data set tracks diplomatic representation at the level of chargé d’affaires, minister, and ambassador between states from 1817-2005. This data set is hosted by Reşat Bayer, Koç University.
Diplomatic Exchange, 1817-2005 (v2006.1)
The Correlates of War Diplomatic Exchange data set captures diplomatic representation at the level of chargé d’affaires, minister, and ambassador between members of the Correlates of War interstate system. The 2006 version of the data set includes information for the following years: 1817, 1824, 1827, 1832, 1836, 1840, every five years between 1844 and 1914, every five years between 1920 and 1940, and every five years between 1950 and 2005. The dyadic data describe the level of diplomatic representation and diplomatic exchange between members in the COW system.
In any papers or publications that utilize this data set, users are asked to give the version number and cite the article of record for the data set, as follows:
Bayer, Reşat. 2006. “Diplomatic Exchange Data set, v2006.1.” Online:
Data Set
Note that the data set is too large to read fully in Microsoft Excel (by default, Windows will attempt to open the data in Excel). You must use a statistical software package, such as State, to read the data (for instance using the Stata command: insheet using “Diplomatic_Exchange_2006v1.csv”).
Questions and Feedback
The diplomatic exchange data set is hosted by Reşat Bayer, Koç University, under the COW Data Set Hosting Program. In case of questions or concerns concerning the data or coding rules, he may be contacted by email at
Diplomatic Exchange (v2006.1) data
Data of diplomatic exchange
Diplomatic_Exchange_2006v1.csv — text/comma-separated-values, 11.48 MB (12037213 bytes)
Diplomatic Exchange codebook
Documentation of data
Diplomatic_Exchange_2006v1_codebook.pdf — PDF document, 76 KB (78806 bytes)
Diplomatic Exchange 2006.1 zip
ZIP file containing both documents — Zip archive, 966 KB (990206 bytes)